engelse quiz

Time for a QUIZ!

Doe mee aan deze korte Engelse quiz om je kennis te testen! Ik ben benieuwd of je de fouten ziet. Het enige wat je hoeft te doen is deze fouten te corrigeren.

Kun jij deze 10 quizvragen beantwoorden?

Ben je een echte pro of is je Engels maar zozo?

Engelse Quiz – Test yourself!

Dit zijn de 10 zinnen! Aan jou de vraag, zijn ze correct of niet en if not: verbeter ze.

01. I shall see the brakes whether they work well.
02. He has got a new girlfriend who she works in a bar.
03. Have you received any informations?
04. I asked for his book, but she did not lend me.
05. The boy who does best he will get a prize.
06. She enjoyed during the holidays.
07. She did good.
08. The girl who answered the phone she was polite.
09. Whoever works hard she will win.
10. One should not waste his time.

Maak de quiz en check jouw antwoorden hieronder in de comments.

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Reacties (6)

  1. OK, lets do this!
    1. I shall see whether the brakes work well.
    2. He has got a new girlfriend who works in a bar.
    3. Have you received any information?
    4. I asked for his book, but he did not lend it to me.
    5. The boy who does best will get a prize.
    6. She enjoyed herself during the holidays.
    7. She did well.
    8. The girl who answered the phone was polite.
    9. Whoever works hard will win.
    10.He should not waste his time.

  2. 1. I shall see wether the brakes work well.
    2. He has got a new girlfriend who works in a bar.
    3. Have you recieved any information?
    4. I asked for his book, but she did not lent it to me.
    5. The boy who does best will get a prize.
    6. She enjoyed herself during the holidays.
    7. She did well.
    8. The girl who answered the phone she was polite.
    9. Whomever works hard will win.
    10. One should not waste time.

    groetjes! Margo

  3. 1. I shall see whether the brakes work well.
    2. He has got a new girlfriend who works in a bar.
    3. Have you received any information?
    4. I asked for his book, but he did not lend it to me.
    5. The boy who does best will get a prize.
    6. She enjoyed herself during her holiday (holidays is used for Christmas and New Year in America).
    7. She did well.
    8. The girl who answered the phone was polite.
    9. Whoever works hard will win.
    10. One should not waste one’s time.

  4. SPOILER ALERT! De juiste antwoorden staan hieronder:

    1. I shall see whether the brakes work well.
    2. He has got a new girlfriend who works in a bar.
    3. Have you received any information?
    4. I asked for his book, but he did not lend it to me.
    5. The boy who does best will get a prize.
    6. She enjoyed herself during the holidays. / She enjoyed the holidays.
    7. She did well.
    8. The girl who answered the phone was polite.
    9. Whoever works hard will win.
    10. One should not waste time. / One should not waste one’s time

Reactie of vraag? Dat kan hieronder.

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