De vakantieperiode begint weer en hopelijk lukt het jou om je smartphone thuis te laten of in iedere geval je werkmail tijdens de vakantie niet of minder te bekijken. In dat geval is het handig om een out-of-office reply in te stellen. Hieronder een verzameling berichtjes die je kunt gebruiken.
Ben je een echte pro of is je Engels maar zozo?
Een out-of-office reply die bij je past
✓ Thank you for your message. I will be out of the office from [date] until [date]. I will be checking emails [once a week, every day, etc], but may not be able to respond immediately. For assistance about [the program, feature, etc.], please look at the website at [website address]. If you need an immediate response, contact [name of stand-in] at [phone number] ext. [phone number; extension] or by email at [email].
✓ Thank you for your email. I am out on a business conference from Monday, [date] and your email will not be forwarded. Should the matter be important, please contact [email address] in my absence.
✓ We are presently on an exciting business trip for an undetermined amount of time, that deals with a company expansion venture. Delays in responding are apologized for in advance. Meanwhile, you can check out our website [website link] to know more about our latest plans. Hope you find all the information you need.
✓ I am out of the office until [date]. If your need is urgent please email [email address].
✓ Please note that I am now out of the office until [date]. If you need a response urgently, please phone [phone number] between 9am and 5pm except for weekends and public holidays, or email [email address]. If you have an urgent enquiry about [name of service/product], please contact [name] on [phone number] or on email [email address]
✓ Thank you for your e-mail. I am currently out of the office. My emails are not being forwarded. Alternatively please forward all urgent emails to [name] at [email address].
✓ Thank you for your e-mail. I am out of the office until [date]. If you are expecting a reply, I will respond as soon as I can after this date. In the meantime, if your message is urgent, please contact one of the following: for messages about [project name] contact [name] at [email address]; for messages about [project name] contact [name] at [email address]; for general enquiries contact [name] at [email address]. With many thanks and all best wishes,
En wat dacht je van deze?
✓ I work on [days]. I am now out of the office. E-mails will not be read in my absence.
✓ Hi, I am currently out of the office until [date]. I will not have access to email in my absence. For urgent queries, contact my mobile. For my mobile number contact a member of the [name of team].
✓ Thank you for your message. I am out of the office, and will return on [date]. I will respond to your email on my return.
✓ Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office from [date] returning on [date]. Please leave a message and I will get back to you on my return. Regards [name]
Wil je weten hoe je het beter niet kunt doen? Dan is dit een leuk artikel om te lezen: The 7 kinds of email vacation auto-responders everyone hates (In het Engels en nog grappig ook 🙂
Heb jij een leuke out-of-office reply die je wilt delen of heb je een vraag? Dat kan hieronder!
📢 Jouw woordenschat zakelijk Engels vergroten?
Dat kan op een eenvoudige manier met de audiotraining: Improve Your Vocabulary. Een done-for-you training om in 10 minuten per dag jouw zakelijke woordenschat uit te breiden. Voor een professioneel, genuanceerd en gevarieerd vocabulaire. Precies wat jij nodig hebt! Klik hier voor alle info over deze audiotraining. Je zakelijk Engelse woordenschat vergroten was nog nooit zo makkelijk!